steve murphy

infrequent blogger

Less Is More

As much as I enjoy playing with puters and stuff, sometimes I just want it to be easy – easy enough that anybody could do whatever. Say, upgrade a website.

There was quite a bit of Twitter chat a few days ago about the pain people were experiencing upgrading Wordpress to version 2.6. Little problems like completely broken and inaccesible sites with no admin access or hope of repairing things. Well, dear non-readers, you know this site is not exactly mission-critical (even if I had a mission nothing about this would be critical)…However, I didn’t want to break it just the same, so held off the upgrade.

But, you see, I have this shiny new iPhone, and somebody said the Wordpress app was cool. Well I tried it, only to discover – you guessed it – it needed Wordpress to be at a later version…Ok, you got me, time to jump in and upgrade. So I head off to my DreamHost admin panel and six clicks later I’m upgraded and running. That’s it.

Next, to the iPhone, enter the site details, write this post. That’s it.

I love it when puters actually do what they are supposed to – make things easier. All by getting out of the way, working, and being simple.
