steve murphy

infrequent blogger

200 Grunts

I arrive at the dentist. The receptionist looks up, “can I help you, sir?”

“I’m here for my appointment with Dr Gordon”.

“Thanks, just take a seat”.

Thirty minutes later, I come back to the same receptionist, and she looks at me with the same “can I help you?” face.

“Mm usss inish ish octa awden….oo i nee oo oo emythim?”

She replies, “Did he ask you to make another appointment?”

“Mm, ee mm mmm ay emy bow tha, o mm, u mo. U ee i se mm mmy eed awe un ata.”

“Oh, okay, well that would need an hour-long appointment, and so that probably won’t be until February”

“Mmmay, ll i us mee oo ch…ow owt mmti mm arch?”

“Sure, the 15th?”

“Mm, err, oo, mmay, ood e fi”

“See you then.”

“Oo oo”

Supposedly we only need about 200 words in any language to carry on a conversation – what are the 200 basic grunts required at the dentist’s reception desk?
