steve murphy

infrequent blogger

Blogging and Twitter

Note: This post was written shortly after I started a Marley version of this blog. It may have been the only post I wrote specifically for that site – development on Marley basically stopped, and I had some problems with hosting the Sinatra-based site which randomly prevented it from loading. Consequently I migrated to a jekyll version of the site, then to this Octopress version. These moves were made with the same general aims: writing in a text editor, authoring in markdown, versioning in git, using a static site for speed, and avoiding the security/update hell of platforms such as WordPress. Where I refer to renaming the site in this post, it was the renaming of the Marley version as “Steve Murphy: Infrequent Blogger”. Still pretty accurate.

Clearly I’ve been really bad at keeping my blog up-to-date. Even for me that is. The few posts that are published here definitely have large time gaps between them (hence my renaming of the site). In fact, I’m sure I could lay claim to being the world’s worst blogger, based on the fact that I have not just this site, but a number of others that are equally neglected.

Less Is More

As much as I enjoy playing with puters and stuff, sometimes I just want it to be easy – easy enough that anybody could do whatever. Say, upgrade a website.

200 Grunts

I arrive at the dentist. The receptionist looks up, “can I help you, sir?”

“I’m here for my appointment with Dr Gordon”.

“Thanks, just take a seat”.

Thirty minutes later, I come back to the same receptionist, and she looks at me with the same “can I help you?” face.

The Real Me

I’ve noticed that a lot of my jaiku and twitter presence posts are about coffee, wine and beer – and that could be misleading. My “presence” is not who I am, rather it only reflects a small part of me and my life.

Self-Healing Internet

I love the fact that the best source of answers to internet-related problems is the internet itself. If that seems like an obvious statement, just think about it a bit longer…can other things tell you how to fix themselves? Does you car or your microwave or your lawnmower or your dog allow you to find a solution internally and then apply that solution to effect a repair?